Thursday, January 24, 2013

One of my Christmas gifts from Shawn was a pair of suede, baby blue moccasins. They were awesome, but apparently they were actually men's shoes, because although they were a size 8 (usually a never-fail for me) they were incredibly roomy for my feet. width and length-wise. Anyway, Shawn waaaaaay over-compensated for that wasted present. He bought me the complete hard-cover set of Twilight. It's been awesome for having something to do lately, but of course I'm already almost done the last book. But hopefully I'll be able to move on to The Hunger Games after. Me and Shawn bought the series for his mom, and she's done reading them. so there is every possibility of diverting reading in my future! - Which is great!

I can't believe how much me and Shawn laugh together lately. I belly laugh on a regular basis. It's so awesome to be with your best friend. So many things about our relationship have taken such a huge turn-around since the beginning. Rubs and clashes and fights have melted away. The obvious part I was missing for so long, was that all it took was for me to be absolutely honest to Shawn about who I am and what I want. Those were the magic words. They DID work like magic. Of course, at first he was confused and scared, because change in your closest ones is always disconcerting, but all I had to do was be patient and just keep explaining myself. Anyway, now we talk like that it seems on a regular basis, both of us being super honest and open. There's another thing. I don't feel nearly so lonely anymore. I'm not sure why, but that's another change. There used to be a little contention in the winter time about Shawn going out and spending half of every day in the ocean, surfing. But this winter, everything's changed. I just don't mind at all, and can't imagine why I ever did. surfing means a lot to Shawn, and it's obvious to see how healthy it is for him, when he comes home all glowing and smelling delicious (like the ocean and sweet fresh air) and full of energy and motivation. also I relish in my free time. I don't mind if he gives me half of every day to myself. It's perfect in fact. When pondering this, it made me think of something I read in The Conversations With God books. That whatever you desire, cause another to have it - and this will make you realize that you have it already - since you have it to give. And I feel like i've give Shawn freedom, and now I feel free. I guess it's plain to see our relationship is maturing - which means WE are - which means *I* am! Ha!
Besides the fact that we are best friends, and love to be goofy together, there is also the fact that any time I kiss him I can totally lose myself. It's something more than chemistry. It's harmony and true intimacy.


  1. this is a very nice post. i like it very much. growth in relationships--it's good stuff!

  2. neat breakthrough, 'fub. It must be so liberating. I relish free time too.
    When you come visit me I can send you home with a bagful of diverting books!

  3. I know what you mean. It can take relationships time to get to places like that. Kyle and I used to fight waaay more than we do now. Now, we hardly ever do, and it feels so good to be in a happy place. I think a lot of it has to do with being grateful and recognizing and focusing on the good, putting them before yourself, etc. Can you believe that Kyle and I are coming up on our 10 year anniversary?! crazy, huh?
