Tuesday, February 19, 2013

startling blue

That's the sky today. I woke up today to brilliant patches of blue shining out between the cedar branches. I felt celebratory as I moved about the apartment doing my morning things (feeding the cat, unraveling my hair from it's frizzled and be-muffined braid, drinking a glass of water) in the dazzling sunlight shining through the windows. I realized that I had an appetite. Perhaps a walk through the sunny town to get a coffee and a bite to eat? I bribed Shawn out of bed this way.
As I was getting ready, preparing to pull on my usual comfortable leggings + T avec hoodie, my eyes fell for a second on the array of clothes hanging in the closet. A very feminine floral skirt I bought for my job at Covet last winter glinted at me from it's hanger. I hadn't worn it since I was fired.

'why would you wear that today?' a voice in my head reasoned. 'you're just going to be hanging around.' But I barely listened to it. I'd already snatched it down and gathered up my soft black tights. I did my hair in a "Katniss braid" and twisted it up at the side the way Sarah did at Katie's birthday celeb. I even stuck earrings in my ears: flat copper circles with small silver feathers hanging in front. All this to go out for coffee! What can I say? It was the effect of sunshine. (yes, I DO know that some people take such care with their appearance every day. All I can say is: respect) I finished off my outfit with my knee-high tan swashbucklers, a cute little tan button-up, and a black-and white scarf. The girls at the coffee shop, who know us, complimented me. They're used to seeing me in rag-like apparel, so it's no wonder. But Freddy, a super cute French-Canadian girl I'm getting to know, showed me the flowery dress she was wearing. So it wasn't just me! It's just that kinda day! Spring celebratory.

For breakfast, we shared a burrito from Breakers. I wanted the one with chipotle mayo: probably NOT the smartest choice for a digestive system that's still recovering...but what the heck. I was so excited to have an appetite at ALL, and my body (obviously a little starved of nutrients from my forced fast...I could hardly eat anything yesterday, either) was just RARING to go. It wouldn't take no for an answer. Anyway, I let Shawn eat the bulk of it, and it was delicious.

Now he's out surfing, and I'm probably about to change back into something more normal, because I'm thinking of doing some painting. Did I mention that Shawn got me an EASEL?! yeah. For valentine's day!! He made me close my eyes, and led me out into the living room where it was standing in all it's glory. I was so shocked, I almost burst into happy tears. It's what I've wanted for so long. He gets me those things - the things I want forever, but for some reason never get for myself. Words can't express. Sigh. :)

Since I DID hype it up a bunch, I decided I may as well post some pics of my outfit for your viewing pleasure.
I'm working on relaxed facial expressions with photos - but - correct me if I'm wrong - it seems to me that I tend to look sort of arrogant in the relaxed ones. Then, in the one I'm smiling, I look about 8 years old. Seriously - where's the happy medium? I may need a face coach, if that's even a thing.


  1. I don't think you look arrogant! haha. you're a silly 'fub. and looking 8 years old is cute and endearing. LOVE the outfit. I like dressing up now and again, but like you I usually change back into comfy clothes halfway through the day.

  2. cute 'fit! i was hoping to see the swashbuckler boots because the name impels me to want to view them. also i don't think you look arrogent AT ALL. face coach--wuuut. i'm not applying for the job, but i will give you a tip. i try not to think too much about what my face is doing. i just try to focus on the feeling i'm trying to portray, or whatever. then it usually comes out in the picture.

    also i liked what you said about the invisible web of family supporting you. liked it a lot.

  3. Haha, I concur with Bean. I know what you mean that sometimes it is just right to dress up a little even if it isn't logical... I myself am wishing for some casual skirts - linen or hemp...
