Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Since Sarah's left, I've been doing t-tapp almost every day. It's so easy to do, and makes me feel so good. the blood pumping vigorously through my veins invigorates my whole life! For example, usually I don't bother cooking myself anything special if there's no one but myself to cook for. But this morning, after my work out, I made myself crispy hash browns and a fried egg with rosemary, cumin, salt and pepper, and sat down and ate it with ketchup n' hot sauce with a relish. Even though Shawn was long gone on a surf! woo hoooo!

I like to make hash browns now that I have finally learned the secret of the crisp. Many times I've tried different things, and ended up with something either grainy, mushy, or burnt - so now, to bite into a crispy, yet melt-in-your-mouth, perfectly browned hash brown cube - made through my efforts - is definitely a triumph. I am of the school of thought that ranks all triumphs as cause for celebration.

After breakfast I sat down and made a list with two columns (as per Abraham-Hicks) and wrote in one the things I intend to take care of today, and in the other, the things that overwhelm me - for God/Universe to handle. Somewhere along the lines I started thinking about all the things I've wanted that have come to me recently, and suddenly I was inspired to write out a list of manifestations and to put it on the fridge. Which I did. Beside each thing I wrote "received" - I think that's a trick my brain pulled out from reading "the secret" a year or so ago. But it was pretty neat. nearly everything I've really desired has come to me. I'm going to keep noticing and adding to the list when I remember more.

The sun's playing hide and seek with the clouds and light is dappling across the backyard. It smells fresh, cold, and pure when I step outside, and I can hear a raven's throaty call, a dove coo-ing somewhere, and underlying all the faint twittering of countless little birds, seeming to mimic the glimmerings and flashings of light playing through the tree branches.

at one point this morning I played some flow-y music and cleared a space on the floor, and danced around the living room with abandon. Spring's in me same as it's in the singing lil birds!


  1. when i can have potatoes again, i want to learn the secret of the crisp!!

    I love dancing with abandon. I do it often and like to pull my kids into it with me.

    that's awesome about the manifestations, 'fub!

  2. my deepest longing is to know the secret of the crisp.

  3. It seems that often when I comment from my ipad, for whatever reason it doesn't go through. But anyways, what I said was... that you indeed must share your secret of the crisp! I also NEED to know! And that exercise is actually from Bozenka's Deep Wisdom Lessons - Lesson 1.
