Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I am 27 and a fubblin visit

Well, things have felt like a whirlwind to me since I got back from Williams Lake, but in actual fact for a normal person, I don't think they actually have been. I'm just not used to anything above a snail's pace. I've been job searching, but first I had to do a total overhaul on my resume. it's much more sophisticated now (I hope).

My fublin visit in Williams Lake was so much fun! I have to confess that I slumped a little after coming home, with finding a job to face and all, but what better to pull one out of a slump than a birth day?
Right now my tummy is comfortably embracing what had been an eggs benny. Shawn's at work, but it's an early day so he'll be off by 3 - at which point he has a surprise for me, and then we'll go out to dinner. On his two days off coming up on thurs. we're going camping. we have it all planned out.

Williams Lake:

Laura, as per usual (because she's a long time ferry pro) was waiting for me in prime wait parking at the ferry terminal. We went out for sushi that night and did some stories before I nodded off in order to get enough sleep for the early morning bus. Turns out I slept almost the entire bus ride, so there was no need to worry. I'd wake up when the bus jerked to a stop at the breaks, or lurched around a turn, and nod off again after catching a quick glimpse of  grey river valleys or the dark inside of a tunnel...and later, brown farms bordered by scraggle. Williams Lake always seems just a little bit further than I remembered. I arrived with a smattering of rain. I hadn't told them what time the bus would be there for sure, so first thing I called Ben on the pay phone, and then went to the bathroom to freshen up - and when I walked out, there was 'fub!

It was my first time in their new place, and immediately I was impressed with a cozy vibe. The kids playing quickly became background noise. Bethany and Ben gave me their whole room to myself, which felt luxurious. I had very cozy - yes, there is no other word - nights sleeping on their comfy bed.

We had so much fun. It was a perfect visit. We played some wii, 'fub and I did t-tapp together most days, and our last kid-responsibility-free day (Ben's last day off) we went to the gym and worked out together before going for a swim. It was a triumphant swim for 'fubs, as both of us hazarded the rope swing and were getting much more graceful towards the end of our swim. We were interrupted by school classes of kids taking over the main pool after a bit, so we swam in the lanes and tried to walk with each foot on a noodle- things like that. Some time was devoted to singing "gangsta's paradise" in the steam room. We had two hours to spend, so after we got super pruney, we sat on the bleachers and just hung out until we smoothen'd up before taking a last dip.

We went out and watched "The Host". All agreed it was awesome...

'fub made many yummy things. I have to say a highlight was the steak dinner...that and the pork spareribs - both things I never have opportunity to have, usually. I have a very vegetarian minded boyfriend, who is grossed out at the sight of bone. 'nuff said. Anyway, it was special. There was also a delicious night of slow-cooked shredded beef fajitas.

While I was there, I made copious amounts of tea and endlessly philosophized with 'fub. I do love to have another willing ear. ha! ha!
I played the piano. My fingers aren't as strong as their best days, and the sight-reading paths in my brain not so entrenched after years of hardly being able to play, but it was still a language as natural as English to me. That felt good. One time I attempted to sing some Saturday's Warrior, accompanied by 'fub, but it was first thing in the morning, and my voice has never stood up to much until around lunch time, as a rule. Not like Labee. I remember hearing her voice soar to the high notes confidently during many early family prayers and experiencing a stab of awe at the unnaturalness of it. Mmm hmm.

'fub and I practiced coordinated flailing with her wii dancing game. Sometimes, there really was NO other word for what I was doing, but flailing (coupled with vigorous pelvic thrusts...on this one song, anyway, they insisted on repeating the pelvic thrust almost the whole way through). It was soo much fun. worked a 'fub up into a good lather, too. We were very active, if I do say so.

We put coconut oil in our hair after our pool excursion, and this is where I made friends with 'gus-gus, with him pulling the grocery bag I had encircling my coconutty locks, over my face and then pushing it up again. I would have played with him longer, had he not chosen that moment in my arms to push out a stinky. (will that connotation EVER be out of my psyche? no.)

Owen took longer to get over his shyness with me, but after awhile he started asking me for things and even smiling at me, and repeating things I said.

Let me just regress to the coconut oil - it was a big success, as far as my hair is concerned. it's been noticeably softer and healthier-feeling since...and that's just after one time! You're supposed to do it once a week until your hair is healed, and then you only need to do it once a month.

'fub shared many good movies with me. we watched some new avatar. AND, we printed fumfer cat on on our shirts!! first of all, 'fub got me two lovely shirts for my birthday - a pleasing, long grey, and an equally pleasing long purple. The purple wasn't right for printing, but the grey was PERFECT. And there was fumfer cat - a print designed by Bethany. Fumfer cat is fluffy, with disproportionate breadth of head, and one eye bigger than the other. A suitably creepy creation. We took turns carving him out to a good size. I printed him on my shirt with purple, 'fub with a turquoise-green. There was a dilemma when I washed my shirt and we discovered that the acrylic we used had come out, so we had to re-print it. But we did a fine job, yes we did. Another printing experiment we did was to cut out the letters for fub, in tattoo lettering - 'fub did most of it while I watched August Rush for the first time, and she did a really good job and it seemed rather painstaking (took the entire movie) - and then when we went to print, we realized that we had completely forgotten to take into account mirror imaging. So it was backwards! We compensated by cutting out the individual letters, and arranging them vertically - we thought it looked more by design that way. Then we cut out a little heart and stamped it beside the backwards "fub". I did this on my cute little grey open-backed sweater in a blue-y green that was not quite teal, not quite turquoise. Quite pleasing, I thought. I even dig the backwards lettering (although it can't be denied that had we done it right, it would have been even more pleasing). But whateva. it's a style.

There was so much fun had, it felt like I was there for only 2 days rather than 7.

Strangely enough, the bus ride home, which I'd been dreading, was a beautiful experience. Maybe it's because the bus was wending it's way through the mountains while the sun was setting. The way the ponderosa pines were edged in gold set against a backdrop of blue and white mountain peaks. I was the only non-smoker to get off at each and every break, just to breath the air and experience the energy, especially up in the mountains. Lytton - always my favourite stop. Hope was drenched in a warm, honeye'd summer evening atmosphere. The closer I got to the coast, the sweeter the air smelt, with blossoms and rain-fresh farms...and finally, salty sea. After I boarded the ferry, I walked straight up to the top deck and leant over the rail, even though I was weak with hunger at that point, to be able to keep taking in deep breaths of that sea air. You never smell it quite the same as when you're just returning. the smell of ocean and fuel - the smell of coming home! I enjoy being romantic. That is how I enjoy to live life.

The beginning of my bus ride wasn't that fun though. my heart was broken, like always, and if it weren't for having such a good 'fubman to come home to, I'd probably have stayed that way for the entire trip. It was the kind of visit one doesn't say goodbye to easily.

Laura was there at the bus depot to pick me up and drive me to the last ferry. it had gotten dark around when the bus passed through Langley. Having Laura as a trip cushion this time felt like a luxury. I feel very lucky to have a sister in Van that can make some part of my trip stress-free and fun that otherwise wouldn't be. it makes such a huge difference. We didn't have any time to do anything though, other than sit in the car and visit until it was time for me to board the boat. But it was really nice.

I could write more, but I think this is long enough for now.


  1. i love your recounting of the trip! i totally slumped after you left. the trip to the coast saved me. i laughed when i read 'pushed out a stinky'---really!! how dare you.

  2. it was probably a stinky AND a weewee. really, i had no idea any singing of mine could induce awe in someone. at the time i was probably concentrating really hard on not going off key or something. and it is a treat for me to get to sneak a visit in with you when you are off on a tripiloo. winwin.
