Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I find that this day has been quite philosophical.

For example: I've always gotten by with putting in the least amount of effort needed for the job. It's clear to me (and has always been clear to the teachers I grew up with) that what I really need - what will take me places - is discipline. But it's like cleaning your room. You know it's what you really want - that it will be fulfilling and you'll be happier - but you (well, me anyway) keep putting it off and putting it off until you finally reach that point where you must make the decision because you can't keep living the same way you have been. My entire life has been leading up to finally having the strength to make the decision to discipline myself. My entire life has been shaped by my various stages of acceptance and denial towards this fact. I know in a way that leaves no room for doubt that discipline used wisely will take me as far as I can ever imagine. The only problem is that it conflicts with my carefree desire to be happy in the moment. Discipline requires moments of sacrifice, with the understanding that whatever momentary sacrifices you're making will be more than worth it once you accomplish whatever it is you're using discipline for. Such as sacrificing a moment of relaxation in a dirty house by cleaning it, so that you can then relax in a CLEAN one, which we all know is much more rewarding.

This is Professor Amy lecturing Student Amy. You all are just along for the ride.


  1. you are quite right--this was something I needed to hear. sacrifices are necessary for a 'fubs dreams and goals to be accomplished.

  2. I appreciate professor Amy teaching lessons to student Amy so that I can learn as well. Perhaps a Stott should up the discipline level in her own life...

