Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hi. I'm finally returning to the blog world. It has been so crazy awesome for the past month or so, I've honestly forgotten all about blogs. But now, unfortunately, I find myself in a state of heartbreak. And I've got no distractions. I have to face being alone. Finally. and suddenly, it occurred to me to write a blog. So here we are.

I've got a room in a house with 3 other people. I sleep on the floor, using the fluffy purple owl I pilfered from labee's porch as a pillow. The zebra blanket is a floor softener, and I have two borrowed sleeping bags. It's a big room with no stuff in it. I've got bowls of beach pebbles on the window sill. The painting fub painted of us in Shuswap on the wall ledge. Clothes folded in the closet shelving. And that about sums it up!
There's a lovely back yard. It has vegetable gardens on one side, with a hammock nestled behind them. There's an all weather couch in the middle, under a gorgeous tree that was trailing long yellow flowers when I moved in. At the back of the yard are some gnarled trees and another garden. I wake up before anyone else, and I like to sit on the back steps with my coffee and listen to the birds.

There is a mandolin here that no one plays, so my roommate said I could play it. Hi - I'm learning to play the mandolin!

I'm sad!

Today I walked a new way to work, that ended up being much faster than my usual. Gonzales-rockland-moss-Fort. I'm happy about this discovery. The neighbourhoods are beautiful. Moss is lined with HUGE old sequoia trees. Like - massive. Then there are all the old manors and character homes and amazing gardens. I like my walk to work. I like being on the streets with the happy little joggers and dog walkers. I like breathing in the early morning. I like my sense of purpose as I swish along in my black work (dress) pants. I like Victoria just waking up.

I miss tofino, finally. The things I originally was glad to be rid of, like walking around and running into people you know all the time. I miss my friends a LOT. I also miss the scenery.

I'm looking out for that window they say opens when a door closes.

1 comment:

  1. somehow i missed this post until now. i love the way you describe the mornings. i recognize having mornings like those myself. i also understand sad. i think it takes courage to feel it and i think you're brave. and i love you and i hope that there is solace too.
