Monday, October 22, 2012

love can be

I once read that the poetry you write is a window into your soul at the time. Clichéd, but I have to agree with it whole-heartedly. My poetry of 2 - 8 years ago was scrambled and confused. for most of that time, I had no inspiration for any poetry at all. Up until very recently. Recently, poems pour out of me at unpredictable moments. Thoughts so golden I must write them down and attempt to give justice. They don't come from my mind. They are inspired through me.  I feel them in a way that is too powerful to NOT write them down. I am not claiming anything special. Anyone who has been inspired knows what I'm talking about. And you can't be human, and NOT have been inspired at some point or other. It is an impossibility, I firmly believe. Anyway, some poems I write are too personal and sacred to me to share, but I'd like to share this one.

God created us human
so that light could shine in the dark
so love could find an expression
so the power could be felt,
love can be
and that is the gift

we are the gift
we are love


  1. your poems tell me you are brim full of wonder and beautiful thoughts. love this poem. i've felt that way before about poetry. you make me miss those days. i was going to malaspina and taking poetry creative writing classes. some days as i walked through campus i felt and saw and thought poems everywhere.

  2. i believe that about poems also. I love yours--you are on a roll! you should put together a compilation of them.
