Sunday, July 21, 2013

hard workn'

Yesterday I worked for 10 and a half hours. I started at 2, and didn't finish with my co-worker Mat until half past midnight. At around 10pm, when it was obvious we wouldn't get out until 12, I was on the edge of a melt down. It was just the fact that I hadn't eaten, or even managed to drink water. It felt like there was such an enormous load of work dumped on me and Mat. I didn't manage to drink water because there wasn't time to stop moving!! was only my monday. And I got called in on my day off, so I only got one day off. And I may have to work 6 days again this week. AND I ONLY GET PAYED $13/HR!!!


  1. ai ai ai is right. i think it sounds like you need to make the time to drink at least or you will never find it. sounds like it will be busy no matter what. whatever busy-ness you are involved in can wait the 5 seconds it takes for you to slurp down some life sustaining liquids or stuff a morsel in yer maw. it's important! you can't work if you're dead. that's my motto eheway.

  2. yeah--what labee said! You should get one of your artsy friends there to make you a water bottle sheath. out of leather. you could wear a bottle on your hip so that way it'd be easy to get a drink. Poor 'fubly. Hope the rest of your week goes better!
