I think the universe has been teaching me a valuable lesson. You see, the last time I worked, I ended up working for 11 and a half hours, because we just didn't have enough people scheduled. I was working with a new employee...well, he'd worked there two summers ago, but it was his first day back. And he LEFT ME. with almost ALL the cleaning to do. I could not believe it. He just - snuck out! I called my boss, who was just as surprised...and thankfully that guy is no longer working for Trilogy. I'm especially thankful because of what happened today, which is what I was referring to in saying the Universe is teaching me a lesson...
so, I saw him today at work, twice. He works as a dock boy for a company that often brings us fish to process, so he's coming by with loads of fish a lot. The first time he apologized. But then he came back, and totally took it all back, saying that it was justified because he'd SAID he was leaving at 11 to drive his friend home, etc, so I should have known, and also that because I took one 5 minute break to gulp down some pizza...the ONE BREAK I TOOK IN A 12 HOUR SHIFT...that he had done his share of the clean-up. because I took a break and he didn't. which, he did, actually, but I didn't waste time arguing with him. Actually, I was speechless. I raised my eyebrows at him and said, "Ok, anyways..." and got him to tell me what was going on with the fish he'd just brought, and went back inside. Then the comebacks came into my head and I was fuming. I HATED that I hadn't had the head to shoot him down in the moment, because what he said was so ridiculous. I mean, HE was the one who was fired...whereas I got thanked for that night, so can he seriously think...?
anyway, not going to get too involved in THAT line of thinking. Because what I was saying about that lesson! I realized that I could feel burned by the whole thing, or not. It was a choice. I didn't do anything to feel badly about that night, so why should I be upset? This little boy...he's only 18...obviously was feeling the pain of a sore ego. his uncomfortableness has nothing to do with me. it's his own battle. he was trying to feel better. I don't even have to take part. so maybe it's good I just totally ignored all of that and didn't take any bait. After all, it was MY ego that was upset over it also. The me underneath the ego couldn't care less.
But...after saying all that...I mean, it was still hard not to be upset. I'd just start thinking about it while I was busy. I was upset I hadn't been able to stand up for myself. So I vented to my co-workers. And Brit told John. And their reactions were so satisfactorily shocked as well that I was appeased. I am not perfect. Oh no. I have high ideals, though!
I learned how to make salmon smokies today!
you already know how I feel about that--you did the right thing! and the boy really is a fledgling babe.