Friday, November 14, 2014


The birds. They have been having a hard time. See, one special aspect of my job is that it comes part-and-parcel with a flock of butterball sparrows who think the bakery is their personal pantry, if you will. It's a constant struggle keeping them out of the shop, and all of us who've worked there have vacillated between pity, annoyance, desperation, and responsibility on this subject. There used to be some who'd leave piles of nuts and the like outside in an attempt to keep them outside, but when the staff subsided to being just me and Michelle, we both decided that it would be best to stop feeding them, and hoped that maybe they'd become less aggressive as a result. This was a fail. Especially with the cold snap we've been having lately, they are more persistent then ever. If the door is open, you can be sure there's a feather'd butterball hopping inside at any given moment. you can't just scare them away by stomping their way. They are so desperate, they just stare at you until you have your foot hovered right above the bird in question's tiny body. Then they'll hop outside reluctantly…but the moment you have your back turned, you can be sure they will be right back inside. The other day I observed them flocked around the closed door, pecking at paper, cardboard, dried leaves. And - I admit. I gave in. I have officially started to feed the birds again. Judge me if you must. But i love them. They are like my pets. Almost tame. They flock around me wherever I am in the courtyard, and one sneakily ate out of my hand once…(I wasn't trying to feed it. It saucily jumped onto my wrist and tried to steal a bite while my head was turned the other way).

Anyway, nice weather we've been having hey? I am grateful to weather  for being an ever-pertinent topic of conversation.


  1. heh--butterballs. heh-heh! garumffuffle!

  2. ooh, I would have given in and fed them too. poor little desperate butterballs.
