Saturday, September 15, 2012


I just noticed how my profile picture on facebook, set against my cover photo, makes it look as if I am hopping, skipping and leaping my way to Baja! How fitting, since I WILL be flying to a warm place soon. Anehway.
I'm on my last few days of work afore the season ends. It is soooo slow. Like a drop of sap stickling it's way down a tree during a freeze. Today I was so bored. There was nothing to do. I had deep-cleaned and organized, and stitched every suit that need stitching. No phone calls or emails to attend to. Yesterday, a very similar type of day, I kept thinking to myself (while walking the gravel path in between the shop and the fence to boss's house) wouldn't it be nice if I cleaned up this area a bit? wouldn't it be nice if I could rake it? But I could not find a rake anywhere. I even peered into boss's backyard timidly, and then ventured all the way in and looked around, but not a rake in sight. Well today, walking down the gravel path and noting it's messiness, I thought about raking it again - and just happened to spot an old, rusted, falling-apart rake hidden behind some surf boards. Yay! Triumph. So I occupied myself for awhile. Raking is such a satisfying thing to do. It changes the appearance so quickly from ragged, to neat and orderly, lumpy and uneven to smooth.
Then I went all the way to the bottom of the gloves + hoods bin and oranized every last glove and mismatched bootie that had somehow ended up there, and cleaned out the whole bin (which was rather disgusting).

I work with a tall boy who is all limbs. His head is topped with exuberant blond curls. His face is blue-eyed, boyish and freckled. Sometimes he comes back from teaching a lesson in bare feet with his jeans rolled up around his ankles (his legs look sooooo long when he does this). On such occasions it's almost all I can do to not tell him that he's Huckleberry Fin. (seriously!! it's EXACTLY what mark twain had in mind, I'm sure of drives me a little crazy.) But I'm much too proper at work still...I've only just ventured to start hinting at making cheeky jokes. The other boy I work with is similarly tall and thin and laughs in a short burst of "HAH"!  in a hearty yet shy gesture. Observations about people are so much fun, aren't they? I love to paint pictures of them. With words and otherwise.

Me and Shawn bought a hot pink frisbee thing. (one of those things with no middle that fly super fast and far. google search failed me when I tried to find out what they're called) BEST. Buy. Ever. We have been going out nightly to the park beside our always bare foot...and playing until the sun goes down and we can't see it anymore. So much fun in such a little piece of rubber!


  1. hehehe i absolutely LOVE you descriptions of those boys. love! you made them sound so lovable! You SHOULD call him huckleberry finn. It's only right.

    what a good and industrious fub doing all that cleaning and organizing. I bet your boss was pleased.

    hehe you're a funny 'fub, playing frisbee. sounds fun!

  2. i second that. call him huck finn and all variations there to. i also really enjoy your people observations.
