Saturday, September 22, 2012


I am wearing my red pants today. No make-up. My hair is pulled back straight in a slightly frizzed pony. A clean white tee. clean bold contrasts are my cup of tea right now.  I confess I have not done much today. For much of the day I lolled on the couch playing the sims...eventually I got up to walk into town and get something to eat (because we need to grocery shop). I ate out in the sun. When I got back I did the dishes and shawn got home from surfing and tidied up the living area. Our friend who is couch surfing on our couch tonight came over and started playing online poker with shawn. And that is my day. Not much to it, if I were to avoid telling a falsehood.  At least the kitchen is shiny.

Me and Shawn had to transport our friend's cats yesterday from Parksville to Ukee. They're having a baby, and wanted to get rid of their two cats because of it. It's a long story, but Shawn basically found them a home so they didn't have to go to the SPCA. Thus the transporting. We had to squish them (a brother and a sister..the male is a huge orange tabby) both into a carrying cage that wasn't nearly big enough. Neither had traveled before, but they seemed to be alright - we hardly heard any meows from them the whole trip. That is until we hit Cox Bay area...."Shawn, is that POO I smell?!" I inquired, disbelieving. But the smell grew more intense. No fart ever smelt like that. The cats both starting meowing. "That is DEFINITELY poo" I said superfluously. We pulled the truck over, but it was an unsafe place to take the cats out of the cage, so there was nothing for it but to get home as fast as we could. Luckily they had sent us away with one of their towels in the cat cage...
Anyway, the short time we had them in our apartment was dramatic. Gone any way-ward thoughts in Shawn's head about having 3 cats in our apartment.
After Shawn left for Ukee with the cats, Eastre was aggressively affectionate, head-butting and rolling all over me. A splurge of affection, in her case. She is usually very purr-y, but much more subtle. It was cute.


  1. Marilla would appreciate it if you avoided telling any falsehoods, please.

    Your look sounds wonderful, something I would love to wear! Are they red jeans or just pants?

    hehe, I laughed out loud when reading about the poo smell. ewww!

  2. poor kitties! poor you guys! i would like a clean bold look for myself. mebbee i will take yours from you.
