Saturday, June 23, 2012

new beginnings (synchronicity)!

I had a synchronistic happening pertaining to my job situation, and I'm gonna tell you about it. The day before my last day at Covet, a girl came in to say hi - a girl I used to work with there, but had quit earlier in the year. I told her the situation (about being 'let go') and she was quite sympathetic about it, but then we changed the subject and that was that. However, a couple days ago I got a text from her asking to meet her at her work. So I went - turns out she was interested in getting this other, higher-paying job, and wanted to recommend me for replacing her. The job, by the way is in a tiny little surf school (the building only fits one small rack of clothing, a corner change room (hung with a curtain) by the front door, and then a tiny little desk at the back corner with the booking forms and pos machine and what-not.) No computer. There's a door at the back leading to the wetsuit room. My job would be to basically co-ordinate - take bookings, payments, make people sign waivers, that kinda thing. It's a very laid-back vibe. There's busy times when the lessons go out, but in between lessons you can read a book or knit if you want. So anyways, I went in today to see a lesson go out, and I pretty much have the job. The only thing is, the girl I'm replacing hasn't actually gotten hired at this other place yet. She's pretty sure about it, but obviously everything's kinda hinging on that.
The coolest part is that I didn't even have to TRY to get a job - it came to ME. If it is indeed going to be my job. (I always have the voice of Laura Ingalls' Ma in my head telling me something about "counting chickens before they're hatched" - seriously, all the common sense you'll ever need is in those "little house" books.)

Speaking of which, I've been pondering a little on the Anne of Green Gables books I read so much growing up. It's random, but you know how in school, often you are told to site your heroes, people you look up to? Well...when I was little, that one ALWAYS stumped me. I didn't know myself or the ways of the world well enough to understand how influenced I was by the people around me. I knew that every single one of my older brothers and sisters I adored - I didn't realize that I tried to emulate them though. Which of course I did. So those were my 'real life' heroes.
But then there were my fictional ones. I look back now at how I devoured the A of GG books and I can see more of what they meant to me back then. Anne is a character that I definitely resonated deeply with back then and now too. Her sensitivity. her poetic love of beauty. The way she cherished the vulnerable yet untarnished truth of children. Her fiery spark. How she believed in dreaming. And whimsical-ness. Her support of the underdog. The list goes on. Fact is, Anne and me come from the same line of dreamers. Even if she IS a fictional character. I'm not saying I'm exactly like her, but I'd like to be. There. I said it. And i think that I drew a lot of comfort reading about her growing up, as I grew up myself. Funny innit. How much books can influence much everything does, when you think about it, even though you don't realize.


  1. I hope that works out for you. And of course, it will if it is meant to be. I had to go back and re-read old posts though looking for where you told about being let go. I couldn't find it but I re-enjoyed your posts!

  2. it's true. books change us. good luck with the jawbs!

  3. A of GG books really influenced me too. I loved (love) them. I hope you get that laid back job.
