Sunday, June 24, 2012

our minds were meant to soar

I've been thinking of flying a lot of late. While I'm staring at the ocean or out the window at the tree tops (where a crow is perched perfectly balanced at the very top of one), it just comes over me - a desire to interact differently with the environment. To experience it from the air, weightless, free, soaring. :D I imagine myself doing it. I even had a dream not too long ago where I could fly effortlessly. All I needed was a running start or a big jump. It's the only dream I can remember having where I could fly and stay in control at the same time, and not freak out. 

Anyway, interestingly enough, amidst all this longing, came a friend of shawn's mom's. vera. we were in parksville, picking up a lawn mower for shawn, and she dropped by while we were there. And guess what she talked about to us nearly the whole time: her son. Who just happens to be a hang gliding instructor - who has lived in brazil, is living now in costa rica (I can't even remember the other places he's lived in) - point is, he has a very liberated life living in costa rica taking people out hang gliding for a living. HANG GLIDING. Why does it feel as if my life is meant to be filled with that kind of exhilaration? Soaring through warm sunsets...dipping in the air above the shimmering ocean. Oh i want.