Monday, December 3, 2012


I forgot to mention about the orcas. How could I have forgotten? It was on the ferry trip out to Tswassen at the very beginning of our trip. We were on the top deck huddled together watching stormy grey seas, when we heard a crew member announce that there was a pod of orcas off to the starboard front! We scrambled against the tremendous wind force to get to the other side of the ferry - and I saw them!! I saw 3 of them as they leapt through the water. It was my first time ever seeing orcas outside of my dreams. They were SO BEAUTIFUL.  I took it as a good omen for our trip.

Eastre has been sleeping by my head every night since we've been back (something she rarely does). She follows me from room to room.  And every time I pick her up, I'm rewarded with fuzzy purrs and slow eye-blinks. I missed her while we were gone. She is my furry companion.

since we've been back, me and Shawn went to see the new Twilight movie. It was better than expected.   We've made ourselves loco moco, too. Super easy to make, and MAN was it good. I added some balsamic vinegar over the finished product, which turned out to be an awesome thing to do. We've caught up on The Voice and The Walking Dead. I've been jotting in my notebook bits of story inspiration. The weather has been stormy and moody. We are planning to cut down our Christmas tree in a week! Christmas!!! We are also planning our next winter's vacation! I'm trying to stop myself from ending this post with something corny like "and thus, life goes on..." but it just keeps popping into my head. So I'm not going to fight anymore. And goes on. the end.