Thursday, May 17, 2012

I soak in this elemental place:

its lightness of spirit and aura of limitless days.
--taken from a poem by Cynthia Woodman Kerkham. It resonated with how I feel in Tofino. There really has been an 'aura of limitless days' lately. It has been sunny every day for at least 2 weeks it feels like! And it's just SO BEAUTIFUL! . I am really enjoying where I live. It's the first place I've lived in, here, that hasn't been right on the highway. It's in such a quiet, peaceful neighbourhood. There's the wind in the trees (and a distant wind chime, which sets you to pleasant day-dreaming), and chirping of robins and other birds. Dappling of sun on our mossy lawn. I can just sit out on our tiny patio and be in a state of total enjoyment, looking at the sun drenching the branches in the midst of the rainforest, turning them golden, and the softly waving cedar fronds. Bright green alder leaves in stark contrast to a black trunk. Insidiously sneaky black flies. They always force me in sooner than I'd like. Ah well, their season is almost up.

I enjoy the walk up long 1st st into town. The wind softly waving the bright, new salmon berry leaves. The bright dotted faces of little wild daisies. The smell of sun on grass. An open pocket wherein the sea is suddenly visible. The quality of light dazzling off the surface is indescribable. It's a quiet street, until you reach the top of the long, gradual, slight hill, and suddenly you're in town.

There is a new trail that was built along Tonquin that me and Shawn discovered just after Laura left. It is a BEAUTIFUL trail. Set at random along the path are unique, rustic benches, carved into logs or made from polished slabs of driftwood. And there's loops and forks and deviations in the path. When me and Shawn stumbled upon it,  I got the feeling of exploring and adventure because we didn't know where each turn we made would take us. There is a gorgeous look-out,  built right out over a rocky outcrop. You can see bright blue ocean dotted with whitecaps and a little lighthouse and Wickininnish island. At another part of the trail, a little footpath leads from it down into a tiny little cove, rimmed with high rugged cliffs. I immediately envisioned many-a-picnic there. It was magical. Everything has been feeling magical in the sunshine though. I just can't get enough of it!

This is a happy Amy here.


  1. I know what you mean about the sun. It feels so good. I have been enjoying the sun here too, and the wonderful scent of lilacs- sooooo nice. It wafts in through my bedroom window, because there's a huge bush close by. That walk does sound lovely.

  2. what? that walk sounds awesome! next time i come it's a must see. sunshiney may--it's a good month.

  3. Hey, I didn't know I had to actually go to your blog to see updates, I was wondering why you hadn't posted. You must think I'm a very bad 'fub indeed. That walk sounds so lovely and I want to see it when I come visit!

  4. I figured that was the case 'fub, because Laura had earlier told me that she wasn't notified of updates either. So no I do not think you are a bad fub, but I'm glad you've figured it out :D
