Friday, September 28, 2012

Stay Tuned: drawings + cartoons coming soon!

So, I have very recently stopped procrastinating, and hooked my printer (that I got 2.5 years ago when I bought my tiny little laptop{$400}- which, fyi, died 6 months later...turns out the printer, which cost me $30 as a promotional deal, was a much better buy..)up to my computer!! It has a scanner. So now...nothing is stopping me from scanning and sharing with you my cartoony art and other drawings/art. As my life is so uneventful these days that I constantly struggle for something interesting to blog about, this is the perfect solution. A life viewed through cartoons is inevitably interesting!


  1. me too! why is it when life is eventful one is too busy and overwhelmed by all the writing possibilities, on then when it all dies down, one struggles with what to write about? that's how I feel anyway. It's unfair.
