Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It was so cold today at work that for most of the day I huddled around the tiny portable plug-in heater. There is no heating in the building, and the heat from the portable one seemed to radiate out about a foot before completely disappearing into freezingness, and without doing anything to warm the whole room I was in. I wanted to engulf the heater. I wanted to envelope it completely. Anytime I had to tear myself away from it to do something was torturous….especially when I had to step into the freezer (it's a -40 degrees one). I would have taken the work truck home rather than walk through the icy world, except that I am afraid to. This is because the last time I drove it, the steering went all wonky, like it was getting stuck and being pulled, and it made me veer into the opposite lane of traffic (luckily on a quiet street with no on coming at the time). I think with my total ignorance of mechanics that it's that bar connecting the two front tires. anyway, that SUCKS because John told me I could use it when I needed to! And now….I don't think I will, thanks!
speaking of my boss, he's changed his plans and is now going to be gone for about 2 months! I'mma be running Trilogy on my OWN. and I got a raise!

Had a scare with the purring fluff ball. She was gone for a night and a day. At the end of the day I was beginning to despair - shawn and I were working,but he kept going home to check on her, and he'd called me right before I finished work saying that she wasn't back yet and her food was untouched. unheard of!! but when I got home from work - there she was! seemingly fine, only smelling of rat poo and, we discovered, she'd scraped her claws right down to the pad. I think she used up one of her nine lives. I can't tell you how RELIEVED I was! We'll never know what happened…I just hope she's smart enough to avoid it again.

I've suddenly reverted into an old lady that goes to bed at 8:30 and wakes up at 4:30-5.


  1. i totes feel your pain about the cold. it's not supposed to be that cold inside. you need to wear a fleece outfit head to toe to work. so glad that eastre's ok!

  2. a onesie fleece outfit. yes.
    you've always had old lady in you, surprise there.
    Frieda has already used up 3 of her 9 lives and she's only a year and a half! Eastre is at least saving hers up.
