Monday, January 21, 2013


This morning, as I opened the freezer to grab something, something black and shiny tumbled over my hand and landed in the freezer door's shelf. An X-box controller. Mystified, but wondering at the edge of my mind if there was some absurd reason why anyone would purposefully put a controller in the freezer (would it make it work better somehow..?) I called out to Shawn about it. His face, surprised and then sheepish, gave it all away, and we shrieked with laughter. Yes, shrieked. The mood in our home has been pretty jubilant lately. We had a heart-to-heart not too long ago and hashed a bunch of things out in an honest, straight-forward fashion. Something I need for my continuous good health. It never fails to rejuvinate me, for days. Weeks even, looking back. Makes me feel more grounded, more solidly myself and powerful.

I made a potato-chick pea salad today. But first I made guacamole with plenty of garlic. Then I added the chick peas and let it sit while the potatoes boiled away. When I eventually added them, I also added a sauce of mayo, apple cider vinegar, garlic, lime juice, and honey. It was scrumptiously delicious. I love the taste and texture of a raw garbanzo. Delightful earthiness. apparently though, according to other 'fub, they are hard to digest. Shame. Still though, doesn't seem to stop me from eating them at least once a week.

This post is boring hodgepodge and I'm going to stop it afore it gets any worse!!


  1. hehe! I've had similar bizarre experiences with Ben--he puts things in weird spots.
    chick peas would be easier to digest if you soaked them for at least 12 hours in clean water with a TBS of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and then drained and rinsed well. Same with any bean or lentil. Even rice.

  2. not boring at all! i love a garbanzo too. i found a recipe for the smoothest hummus ever and the trick is to peel those little clear shells. i want to try it sometime.

  3. why does a certain 'fub always have to rain on people's food parades?? Laura- peeling the shells sound like a lot of tedious work, however worth a try at least once. But as for humus- one of the best food inventions ever! I've recently been enjoying it with cut of cucumber with salt and pepper on them. Makes for a lishus snack.
