Wednesday, November 14, 2012

wednesday night philosophizing

Winter has settled in full force. I'm gradually settling into a new routine. To compensate for not having running shoes, and in order to stay sane, I've been working out. I use the exercise ball and two cans of chick peas. I've found that it always works best if I'm watching the iron chef while I work out. If the iron chef isn't on while I'm working out, I'm apt to just quit. But there's something about that show...the fast pace probably.
The Hawaii trip looms nearer. Thankfully for my heart, my passport has finally arrived in the mail! Me and Shawn have decided to camp. We want to go to sleep hearing the waves roll up on shore, and wake up and be able to just roll out onto the sand and go for a swim! We're both super excited about it. Camping is the way to go! I camped almost the whole time I was in France and Amsterdam and I loved it. Each day felt so adventurous. There were some having to air dry in the ...pretty much outdoor...showers in Amsterdam, (until Andreas was able to run and grab some toilet paper...yeah. It wasn't pretty.) And there was having to air dry in the showers in the campground outside Paris...there was a lot of air-drying. anyway, I'm not too worried about that, because we've been keeping updated on the weather forecast, and it looks to be sunny every day we're there except for one day. There might be a thunder and lightning shower expected that day...but...what more could we ask from our trip than such an extreme weather demonstration? Anyway, it'll be fun, and I can't wait to bask in the heat!

Eastre is stretched out - a fluffy carpet. She has a secret fluffing technique - subtly puffing out her fur -  that she employs to make herself irresistible. She does this to tease the weak-minded humans that happen to be around her.

Me and Shawn went out to open mic night again this week. We met up with some people that Shawn works with at Tony's. It was really crowded, and at first we were forced to stand by the bar for about 20 minutes before a table opened up. I am fascinated by how life decides to flash seemingly random things at you, glimpses of other people, like puzzle pieces. There is this girl who has always stood out to me at the co-op where she works as a cashier. Perhaps it is her hair - there's a stylized buzzed patch on one side of her head, and the rest of her hair is long and black. Pretty recognizable, is what I'm saying. Anyways, at Open Mic, she seemed to know all the people we were hanging out with, and eventually me, Shawn, her and one of Shawn's work friends found ourselves outside on the dock in the harbour. It was raining, so we were all huddled under the roof overhang of a little building in the middle of the dock. She began animatedly talking to me about mountains and energy and geographical connections. She talked and talked and talked...I listened. We had an interesting moment. Don't you wonder at the significance of seemingly random paths crossing and intersecting? Like the tapestry metaphor, if you could see all the connections from a high places, like little threads, it WOULD weave a design - a design of perfection. And so, no intersecting path can possibly be random, in my opinion. It's all part of the tapestry, and there isn't a part of the tapestry that is not perfect.

A philosophizing 'fub, out.

1 comment:

  1. yeah it is interesting the way different lives intersect. It can seem so random at times, until you really sit back and think about it, and then it seems almost as if it was planned. Neat.
