Sunday, June 23, 2013

I don't even know where to start. Life's been busy and social around here. We're becoming friends with our neighbours.
Shawn's parents were just up for a few days.
 Shawn bought a fishing rod. We've been fishing off the rocks almost every night since. The other day he got an opportunity to go with a work friend and take his dad, out on a boat, and he caught 2 20 pound chinook salmon, some snapper, and a rock cod. mind you, I don't know the diff between snapper and rock cod...because snapper IS rock cod. but that's besides the point. He even went and got it processed at Trilogy! it was neat to go to work today and see all that fish neatly cut and vacuum packed with my name on it. We have fish for months. And aside from that, we're consistently getting pounds - POUNDS, mind - of freshly caught coonstripe shrimp and spotted prawns. And I keep getting free goodies such as freshly caught halibut, and homemade salmon smokies, from work. The other night we had a big dinner with Shawn's parents and two of our friends and had a seafood feast. France and I made it together. I did all the seafood - she would not let me be influenced by her. :)
Right now, it's raining and dark out, and Shawn is out surfing. Or rather, probably returning from his surf at this point. I'm tired from work. There's always so much work to do that even when I DO have time to have lunch, I feel dizzy and starved and often light-headed after work. Just as a random aside, this afternoon at work I noticed a dead crab in the tank, so I took it out to steam it as per custom, but when I broke it's back and the fluids ran out, the SMELL -! I ran outside dry-heaving, and had to collect myself for a minute or two before going back, gingerly putting it in a bowl, and running out to the end of the dock where I tossed it out to sea. Back in the shop, it was necessary to open all the windows in order to clear the air. Hoo boy.

That is a brief version of recent events. I'm quite frankly too tired to do much better.


  1. LOVE the skin 'fub! love it love it love it

  2. yay! I frankly love it too. About the coonstripe prawns--no. I love it when my life gets busy. it makes the restful times more enjoyable too.

  3. jealous of all the seafood! i love your posts. i feel like i'm right there beside you. um salmon smokies???? heLLO!!
