Monday, February 4, 2013

I woke up this morning to the sounds of a fluffy furball attempting to jump in the closed window. Every 15 minutes, like clockwork - just as you are drifting back into blissful sleep. THUMP. scrabble. meow! I resisted getting up for as long as possible, because I knew I'd be playing right into her furry little paws. She planned it, you see. She's learned that if she wakes us up early, but asks to go outside, she'll have succeeded in waking us up without getting herself in trouble. Then she'll wait patiently, because I almost always get up about 10 minutes after this, unable to fall asleep again. and as soon as she sees I'm up she'll put up a barrage of meows until I let her in. Then I have no choice but to feed her. I could put it off, but fubman's always sleeping still and I don't want her constant meowing to wake him, so I just do it. This morning was different, because Shawn was the one who got up to let her out, and I slept through it. So Eastre's plan didn't work out so well for her, seeing as how I slept for a good few hours after that, while she was stuck outside. But her window shenanigans eventually did the job and woke me. She knows the exact perfect timing, like I mentioned, to keep us from falling asleep again once we're awake. What can I say? I live with a clever mound of fur.

A lot of time spent talking about my furry companion. I am becoming startlingly similar to a cat lady, except I just have the one. It's on it's second day of freezing rain downpour here, and it's not expected to stop at all tomorrow. I've been stuck inside with Eastre too long. You do not want to be anywhere NEAR me right now. My cabin fever is off the roof. good thing Shawn not only knows how to take it, but gives it right back...

I don't spend much time comparing him with Andreas anymore, because that ship's sailed long, long ago as far as I'm concerned. there's no need to anymore. But sometimes one (a comparison) comes unbidden to my mind. Like how my cabin fever used to make Andreas slightly uncomfortable and he wouldn't quite know what to do with me. Shawn acts as though he was born to contend with my brand of cabin fever. That's how I like my men. Although it does allow a feverish Amy to flourish in unflattering behaviour at times. That's ok, that's good. Where's the spice of life, if you can't allow yourself to speak and guffaw like a very old man every once in awhile - or snap out a smart jig to a song playing on the radio? limbs flying with abandon?

I wish I had something more interesting to tell...
I had an epiphany this morning while concocting woodsy scrambled eggs (with mushrooms fried in butter and garlic). Cooking is a true love of mine. I realized this when I suddenly thought how with cooking, no matter how simple the dish, I never ever try to cut corners. With me, this is significant. I ALWAYS try to cut corners! with everything! painting, piano, homework, housework. not cooking though - it has to be done with respect. I suppose my true love is food. Yes, that sounds right.


  1. let me just say that you never EVER have the right to 'snap out a smart jig'.
    food, and especially butter, are def true loves of yours.
    Ben isn't sure how to take my cabin fever. he usually tries to smother it with a hug and then gently put me aside--which, as we know, only aggravates the disease.

    1. haha. When I come visit you, you will succumb to the power of the smartly snapped out jig. (I know you do it too, anyway!)
      as for Ben, lol. good luck with that. may as well be trying to gently put aside a semi going 100 km/h.

  2. Ha, ha, your window shenanigans are pretty hilarious.

    I agree, a man who can deal with one's cabin fever is a necessity, and I can't help but wish I could see Shawn join you in a jig. No spice of life indeed. I'll admit, sometimes my worst bouts of cabin fever are set free when no one's watching, because I can be a little too weird, it almost makes me feel uncomfortable with myself.

    I can't wait for you to cook for me!!! I'm tired of cooking all the time, and I while I do enjoy it, it's not my passion and I don't always treat it with respect. So, I look forward to some time off, and you will be giving it to me. Yay for yummy breakfasts!!

    1. haha Stott!! I can't imagine you being any weirder than you have shown yourself to be in front of me/others. That must truly be a sight to behold. I know what you mean about feeling a little uncomfortable with one's self after a bout of particular abandon though.

      I'm also excited to cook for you!! It'll be gratifying to cook for someone that actually wants to eat. Shawn's been on a constant diet for months. You should start thinking of yummy food you want to eat when you're here...

  3. i enjoy cabin fever best when perpetrated on others. when i am alone it always ends up in a very ugly and odd hair do or some outlandish outfit--no fun. however unleashing it on the world--that is a dish of delish. speaking of delish, i love food too!!
