Monday, April 9, 2012

I really should be getting ready for work, but this gadget is so distracting! I am loving the new apartment. We are almost all moved in...there's only a few boxes left and some clothes to fold. We NEVER got that far in our last place, mainly because there was no storage. and I really mean none. Unpacking is not fun when there isn't a place for anything. When there is though, it can be rather delightful. Quite different from packing.

Mom and Dad are coming to visit today. I don't know how that will work...they will have to sleep on a mattress on the floor (our "bed") and deal with us having no comfy couch or chair to lounge in. Just 3 (not even a proper 4!) kitchen chairs around the table. And a futon 'mattress' slumped on the floor against the wall (think Turkey. The country. With heaps of pillows, it'd be alright). I know it's not like they're high-maintenance guests at ALL, but I just wish I could offer something more comfortable. Ah well.

I really should be getting ready for work. Shoot.


  1. have a fun time with ma and pop beet and then get ready to LIVE IT UP with ME!!
